International Muslims Organization of Toronto

Prayer Times

FAJR Salaat 5:45 AM
DHUHR Salaat 1:40 PM
ASR Salaat 5:45 PM
ISHA Salaat 9:30 PM*

Jummah 1st Salaat 1:30 PM
Jummah 2nd Salaat 2:45 PM


*NOTE: Mosque closes 15 mins after Isha Jummat


Volunteering at IMO!

We would like to extend a special invitation to all members of the IMO and our beloved community interested in volunteering at the IMO to get involved in two special teams that we have recently put together.

The first is the Budget & Finance Committee chaired by Br. Haniff, and the second is related to our redevelopment project, which you have likely heard of, the Mosque Consultative Committee chaired by Br. Haroon.

Mosque Consultative Committee: This committee will provide an opportunity for you to be part of a team that provides advice to the Redevelopment Team on the design of the new masjid. You will advise architects, project managers, and other committee members to ensure that the masjid’s design meets the community’s needs.

Budget & Finance Committee: This committee will provide an opportunity for you to learn valuable financial management skills while contributing to the financial health of the IMO. You will work alongside experienced professionals and community members to advise the IMO Board on financial matters and identify ways to both increase revenue and manage and reduce expenses.

Thinking specifically of our sisters and youth – as the better half of our community and the next generation of leaders, respectively, your contributions on this topic are essential to the success of the IMO. This is an exciting opportunity to shape the future of the IMO and build a legacy!

Beyond these committees, if you are interested in volunteering at the masjid, that too is most welcome! Whether that is to help with events or our website, collecting donations, maintenance and cleaning the masjid – no one area is less important than the other! Your involvement as a member of the committees or as a general volunteer will be of tremendous value to the IMO and will be a rewarding experience for you. We encourage you to participate regardless of your experience or expertise.

If you are interested in volunteering for either of these subcommittees or even as a general volunteer, please drop by the office, or complete the online form here so you can submit your application electronically.

As always, we welcome your enthusiasm, creativity, and dedication to our community, and we look forward to working together to strengthen our community and masjid.

Jazakum Allahu Khairan!


Hall Rental

Open event space with stage and kitchen for weddings, ceremonies, and other gatherings.
-For Inquires Visit In Person -> IMO of Toronto <-


Interim Resident Imam

5 Daily Salaats and Quran Classes
Sheikh Mohammed
(647) ###-####